Shagsworth's Culture Collective
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Shagsworth's Culture Collective is a place to discuss the broader culture. Looking at the next step for the world. To preserve and progress culture in a positive and sustainable manner.

Here you can be involved in round table discussions. Enjoy video games to wind down and help push the conversation forward.

I look forward to getting to know you all!
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Do you ever look back on your life and wonder how you got this far? Considering all things and all the wrong ways you've turned, but still ended up in the fortunate position you are in.

I've sat here in this place so many times and cried tears of joy and sadness. I look back on so many memories both good and bad and how they shaped me. It's like looking back on a sculptor who moves from using a hammer and fine polishing tools in the same motion.

It's a kind of self-awareness. The ability to see clearly where I stood at one point in my life and acknowledge the mistakes I made. Looking at the profound moments of holding my two beautiful children and watching them grow right before my eyes. How have I been so blessed? How could I look down at my children and not see a God?

These feelings culminate in a realization that we've been duped on some level to not see the immense beauty that we wade in day after day. And perhaps this is overstated, but I think of each one of you that I've had the pleasure of interacting with. To at one point or another had your attention is a privilege.

If I can impart one thing to my audience it's to embrace the failures because it's through them we learn the most about ourselves. You are still breathing and there is time to do what you need to do. A perspective of failure is understanding what you learned in those moments.

Thank you all for being a light in the life of this old soul. I would also like to let you know that my DMs are open on Twitter. You can comment on posts and asks me questions on YT videos. I'm happy to interact and communicate when I can.

I wish you all the happiest of holidays and a safe new year. I look forward to the time we will spend together in the new year.

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Ready, Set, Shag - Ep. 007 ft. Flawd TV

Flawd TV is an online content creator, Youtuber, Rapper, and Professional Mad Maker.

Ready, Set, Shag is a podcast featuring The Shagsworth and a Guest discussing their creative process, the world at large, and understanding their origins. The show was conceived as a way for people to connect with one another and gain insight into creators and individuals they follow online.


is the interview with Adam continuing here


Good Morning Everyone,

Sorry for the early morning post, but in the interest of keeping everyone informed I wanted to share an update with you.

1) The Midweek Hump is staying as it is. No worries there.
2) Everything else will likely begin to change. I've been a touch neglectful at times in my personal life. So in order to be the best possible role model for my kids and for everyone who watches me, I'll be hittin' the sack a bit earlier for most of the week and making myself scarce on the weekends.

Family is so incredibly important to me and I've spent countless hours at this point advocating for all my audience members be present in their own life. Time for me to do the same. This change will likely enter me into a new level of productivity because I generally get a lot more done in the morning/early afternoon.

3) If I've canceled an appearance on your show, know that I'm sorry. I will reschedule, but it will be at a time that I'm able to commit and square away all other life's BS ...

Recapping Vegas Trip Tonight.

Hey everyone! Going live at 9:15pm on YT and Rumble to talk about Vegas and other trending news!

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