Hello friends! I want to thank you all for your continued support. In light of recent health concerns, I need to do my best to support my own personal health. There may be days that I don't go live because I need to rest.
Monday night was a giant wake-up call for me. I haven't been taking care of myself, which manifested in a grand mal seizure. I've had a few in my life, but as you can imagine they are very trying on the brain and body.
My youngest witnessed it as did my wife. I'm thankful she was around to make sure I was okay. Anyone with children knows how quickly life can sharpen into focus when something like this happens. My goal is to be around for my kids, my wife, and all of you for years to come.
I hope you understand as I attempt to reel in my workflows and schedule to keep myself in a healthy state of mind.
I hope this message finds all of you well and I look forward to my shows this week. Tonight we are featuring Starsan on The MidWeek Hump. I look forward to seeing you all then.
The Shagsworth
Flawd TV is an online content creator, Youtuber, Rapper, and Professional Mad Maker.
Ready, Set, Shag is a podcast featuring The Shagsworth and a Guest discussing their creative process, the world at large, and understanding their origins. The show was conceived as a way for people to connect with one another and gain insight into creators and individuals they follow online.
Good Morning Everyone,
Sorry for the early morning post, but in the interest of keeping everyone informed I wanted to share an update with you.
1) The Midweek Hump is staying as it is. No worries there.
2) Everything else will likely begin to change. I've been a touch neglectful at times in my personal life. So in order to be the best possible role model for my kids and for everyone who watches me, I'll be hittin' the sack a bit earlier for most of the week and making myself scarce on the weekends.
Family is so incredibly important to me and I've spent countless hours at this point advocating for all my audience members be present in their own life. Time for me to do the same. This change will likely enter me into a new level of productivity because I generally get a lot more done in the morning/early afternoon.
3) If I've canceled an appearance on your show, know that I'm sorry. I will reschedule, but it will be at a time that I'm able to commit and square away all other life's BS ...